Former Olympic javelin champion Neeraj Chopra announced his marriage to Himani Mor on Sunday. Neeraj surprised his fans by sharing photos from the private wedding ceremony on social media. The wedding took place in Himachal, with around 40-50 close guests attending. In his post, Neeraj expressed gratitude for the blessings that led to this special moment, writing, “Bound by love, happily ever after.” As the couple begins this new chapter, Neeraj, a two-time Olympic medallist, also requested support and blessings from his fans.
This is the first time sports fans have heard about Himani Mor, so there isn’t much known about her. However, reports say that she is from Larsauli, Haryana, and studied at Little Angels School in Sonipat, the same school as tennis star Sumit Nagal.
Neeraj Chopra’s wife – Himani Mor
Himani Mor is a tennis player who studied at Southeastern Louisiana University and also worked part-time as a Volunteer Assistant tennis coach at Franklin Pierce University. Before moving to the U.S. for further studies, she earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Physical Science from Miranda House, Delhi University. Her brother, Himanshu, also played tennis.
Himani currently works as a graduate assistant at Amherst College, managing the women’s tennis team. She is responsible for training, scheduling, recruitment, and budgeting for the team. Additionally, she is pursuing a Master’s in Sports Management and Administration from McCormack Isenberg School of Management.
Himani began participating in All India Tennis Association (AITA) events in 2018, achieving her best national ranking that year: 42 in singles and 27 in doubles. After Neeraj Chopra’s wedding post went viral, his uncle, Bhim, spoke to the media, confirming that the marriage took place in India. He added that the couple had already left for their honeymoon.
Bhim mentioned that the wedding of Neeraj Chopra and Himani Mor took place two days prior, though he did not reveal the exact location. He shared that Himani is from Sonipat and is currently studying in the U.S. When asked about the wedding’s low-key nature, Bhim explained that they had planned to keep it private.