The Impact of JEE Mains Result: Parents to Prioritize Holistic Well-being of Children

The holistic well-being of children depends on the society, parents, and the educational system where everyone needs to be together and follow a common motive. The recent declaration of the JEE Mains result 2024 has brought laurels for the students who have achieved success, but it has also brought down the morale and hopes of many who couldn’t perform well in the exam.

Success and Happiness Index

The success and happiness in one’s life does not depend merely on competitive exams. There is no universal guideline defining success or happiness. Over time, all these students will have done something worthwhile, achieved meaningful goals, found contentment, and will be leading fulfilling lives.

So, why are students facing immense pressure to excel in exams, specially in India? It should be understood that every student cannot be the same, because each one of them has a different concentration level, different approach to figure out solutions and their degree of inclination and motivations differ.

In essence, every human being is unique, and this uniqueness extends even to siblings, who can be remarkably distinct from each other. Let us understand and accept this fact and let the children bloom to their glory in a natural way.

The Pressure of Performing Well

The pressure from competitive exams pushes students to consider suicide as an easier option than facing failure or underachieving. From ninth grade, students are conditioned to believe that only their 12th-grade marks and college admission determine their future. Their entire focus and emotions revolve around these, and failure makes them feel hopeless about their lives.

According to psychologists, children and young adults have intricate emotional systems that can be affected by various behavioral, emotional, learning, and mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, disruptive behavior disorders, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, and ADHD.

Parents pushing kids too hard in school can make them feel really bad about themselves. Being picked on by other kids can make it worse. Sometimes, trouble focusing might be because of ADHD. Mental health problems like doing badly in school, feeling unmotivated, struggling socially, or hurting themselves happen a lot.

Today, just take a moment to SLOW DOWN. Find peace in the precious moments with your children, embrace the little time that you’re getting to spend with them. Give them assurance that they will definitely do something worthwhile in their life even if they are not able to crack this exam well.

In this digital era, where relations are gradually getting replaced by gadgets, nothing can feel more luxurious than pacifying your children, listening to them and expressing all the love and affection that you feel for them. So, just take a deep breath and slow down. Let them breathe, let them be. They will tread their path successfully.

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