Musician AR Rahman and his wife Saira Banu announced their separation in a joint statement on November 19. However, what grabbed everyone’s attention was the unusual hashtag Rahman used in the post about their divorce. The hashtag, #arrsairabreakup, puzzled many, with people questioning why he used it on such a sensitive post on X. Several pointed out that while he requested privacy, the hashtag would likely attract more attention.
A few hours after Saira’s lawyer issued a statement, AR Rahman shared his sadness through an emotional post on X. He mentioned that they had hoped to reach thirty years together, but it seemed that everything has an unseen end. He reflected that even God’s throne might tremble under the weight of broken hearts, and although they searched for meaning, the pieces might never fit again. He thanked their friends for their kindness and for respecting their privacy during this fragile chapter.
Despite their deep love for each other, the couple has recognized that the tensions and challenges in their relationship have created an unbridgeable gap, one that neither feels capable of closing at this time. Mrs. Saira expressed that her decision was made in pain and anguish, and she requests privacy and understanding from the public as she navigates this difficult period in her life. After 29 years of marriage, Rahman and Saira parted ways due to irreconcilable differences. Their three children, Khatija, Raheema, and Ameen, have also requested privacy during this challenging time.
More about AR Rahman and Saira Banu
Saira Banu, born in December 1973 in Kutch, Gujarat, is from an upper-middle-class family with a rich cultural background. It has been reported that she is known for her charitable work, frequently contributing to nonprofits focused on community development, healthcare, and education.
AR Rahman had shared that he and Saira met through an arranged marriage setup. He revealed that his mother and sister first encountered Saira at the shrine of Sufi saint Moti Baba in Chennai. His mother had not known Saira or her family but decided to speak to her since they lived nearby.
In an interview, Rahman recalled their first meeting, which took place on his 28th birthday, January 6, 1995. He described her as beautiful and gentle and mentioned that the meeting was brief, with most of their communication happening over the phone afterward. Rahman had asked Saira in English whether she wanted to marry him, noting that she had been very quiet back then, though that had since changed.
The couple married on March 12, 1995, with Saira being nearly seven years younger than Rahman.