Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

The Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is reportedly concerned that his efforts to normalize relations with Israel, amidst the Gaza conflict, may put him at risk of assassination. According to Politico, Prince Salman expressed his fear of being targeted for pursuing peace talks during his recent discussions with US lawmakers. This concern highlights the sensitive and potentially dangerous nature of his attempts to re-establish ties with Israel.

According to Politico, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has allegedly informed US Congress lawmakers that by pursuing a comprehensive agreement with the US and Israel, including establishing formal relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, he is putting his own life at risk.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman assassination Fear

During a conversation with US Congress lawmakers, Saudi Crown Prince referenced the late Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, who was assassinated after signing a peace treaty with Israel. The Crown Prince inquired about the measures the US took to safeguard Sadat’s life. He also expressed concerns about the threats he himself faces in pursuing a similar deal, and how he plans to justify it to other Arab nations, which are already opposed to Israel due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Saudi Crown Prince voiced concerns that normalizing ties with Israel could lead to a backlash from his own people, as many Saudis strongly oppose Israel’s actions in Palestine and could turn against him if he pursues a deal, potentially eroding his domestic support base.

According to a source familiar with the matter, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman expressed his concerns by saying that Saudis and people across the Middle East are deeply passionate about the Israeli-Palestinian issue, and that his position as the custodian of Islam’s holiest sites would be jeopardized if he fails to address this critical matter of regional justice.

The Saudi Crown Prince is reportedly deeply concerned about the potential consequences of entering into a major agreement with the US and Israel, due to the significant risks involved. The details of the deal, which is still evolving, have been largely kept under wraps, but it’s believed to include various US commitments to Saudi Arabia, such as security assurances, support for a civilian nuclear program, and economic investments in strategic sectors.

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