Earth Day

Earth Day is celebrated worldwide on April 22 to promote efforts in conserving the environment. It originated on US college campuses in 1970 following a significant oil spill in Santa Barbara. Since then, it has motivated over a billion people in 192 countries to get involved. This year’s global theme for the event, ‘Planet vs. Plastics’, will be observed on Monday.

How was the date of World Earth Day Selected?

Earth Day originated in the US a few months after a major oil spill occurred off the coast of California. US Senator Gaylord Nelson aimed to blend the momentum of student anti-war protests with growing awareness about pollution. He enlisted activist Denis Hayes to organize educational events on college campuses and expand the concept to a wider audience. They chose April 22 as the date, a weekday between Spring Break and Final Exams, to involve more students. Hayes later assembled a team of 85 people to promote events nationwide and changed the event’s name to Earth Day for better recognition.

The Theme of Earth Day 2024

According to research by the World Wildlife Fund, the global production of plastic waste surpasses 380 million tonnes each year, much of which ends up in landfills, oceans, and waterways. With the aim of creating a future without plastic for future generations, EARTHDAY.ORG has announced the theme for this year’s Earth Day, which will be observed on April 22, 2024, as ‘Planet vs. Plastics’. This theme emphasizes the danger that plastics pose to the planet and human health, and it calls for an end to all plastic waste by advocating for a 60% reduction in plastic production by the year 2040.

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