World Water Day

Water plays a vital role in our everyday lives, serving essential functions from cooking and hygiene. It is an indispensable natural resource that sustains our daily routines. The majority of the water we use for these activities comes from underground sources. Our ability to maintain a stable and healthy lifestyle is heavily reliant on these natural resources.

The importance of freshwater is paramount for human well-being, ensuring our health and vitality. However, with the increasing global population, the demand for groundwater is on the rise while its availability is diminishing. To safeguard against the depletion of this critical resource, it is imperative that we work diligently and cooperatively to preserve groundwater.

World Water Day

In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly made a decision to designate a specific day for raising awareness regarding the importance of conserving fresh water and its significance. Since 1993, March 22 has been recognized globally as World Water Day.

Throughout history, rivers have brought people together, no matter their differences. Today, 153 countries share almost 300 river systems and around 600 underground water reserves that flow across borders, making up 60% of the world’s freshwater supply.

It is important for us to see rivers as living environments. We all have a role in taking care of them responsibly so that everyone can have enough water to live well, as stated in the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.

The World Water day encourages efforts to address the worldwide water crisis, to foster conversations, and to raise awareness about the importance of conserving water.

According to the United Nations’ official website, World Water Day is dedicated to celebrating water and inspiring initiatives to combat the global water crisis. A central objective of World Water Day is to ensure access to clean water and sanitation for everyone by 2030. It is an annual United Nations event observed on March 22, focusing on the significance of freshwater, coordinated by UN-Water and spearheaded by one or more UN-Water Members and Partners with relevant mandates. So, let us be a part of this and preserve this precious resource!

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